Too Much Spam? Use Box Trapper

Too Much Spam? Use Box Trappper

A simple tool to weed out the undesirable emails.

If you are using a domain based email such as, or your own, you can start by simply logging in via your webmail  replace with your domain or your domains email

Your user name is your complete email address and your email password,
once there you will be presented with some icons. The upper ones are ways to check your email.
But look lower for the icon called "Box Trapper" Click it. if you wish to use this feature select "enable"  Now a box trapper will be enabled

One quick note about Box trapper, this is a pretty severe method of dealing with spam, I don't recommend enabling this and going on your merry way. ALL email to your account will be processed through this, and you will need to maintain it in order not to loose important emails.
With that being said some more info

Configure settings: Use this link to, set how many days emails will stay, I recommend changes this to 7 days. but never more than the default 15 days.

-Edit Confirmation Messages: Every person not on the white list, ( more later below ) will get a confirmation message when they email you. You don't have to edit this BUT I like to edit the one labeled "Verify" with something humorous , light hearted and maybe personal, so they know that you are just on a path of fighting spam like everyone else. Important note. Do not edit anything inside a %...% those are codes.  Everything else can be edited:

-Edit Forward/White/Black/Ignore Lists: As you use this program items will be added to these lists, BUT the good new is you can "pre-seed" these; For example go to Edit White List, in the grey box you will see some samples. First being subjects, you can "pre-seed" subjects for example if you sell Blue toy Boats "pre-seed" with
"subject blue toy boats"
With out quotes, that will allow all emails with that subject line to go right through the system. The same with emails if you want to "pre-seed" with all your favorite emails persons type in "from" no quotes of course use your friends actual email!  try not to use capitals and keep everything simple!
Edit Black list, well that is the opposite, and subjects you want auto deleted place here, same with emails.

Review Log: nothing really important here

Review Queue: this is an important link as you will want to visit here regularly and check for desirable emails that don't make it to you. It is fairly simple enough
If there is an email you WANT, check the box and select White list and Deliver, this will send you the email and put the sender on your white list.
Want to delete? just check delete and click delete

Fairly easy right!  Just remember this only works well if you DO monitor your Review  Queue. Good emails can get trapped with bad...

But over all this will help to manage the junk that gets into your computer
There are some spam emails that can get by, if they do I would put them in the black list :)

Any questions as always feel free to ask!
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